Scenic view of trees at camp

Leadership Weekend 2024

by Karissa Pitaniello


We are weeks away from opening the gates for Summer 2024! Cabins are being spruced up, programs are being planned, and our leadership teams are ready to have their best summer yet! Each spring, our leadership teams retreat before the summer starts to unify their drive for the upcoming season and prepare for the weeks ahead. Oh, and did we mention they have some serious fun too? Read all about this year’s leadership weekend, and begin to meet some of our Program Directors and Assistant Program Directors for 2024! 

The Springs team spent their first night together playing Scoop Hoop, and then Ben Gasaway, our director, led us in a devotion about servant leadership before he washed the full-time team’s feet. Afterwards, we washed our leadership team’s feet also. It was such a tender moment with our team. We were encouraged by the example of servant leadership that Jesus is before we walk into a summer of leading over 150 college students. – Julia “Dovey” Sayles, Springs Women’s Director

This leadership weekend was my favorite yet! Our team this summer is so awesome—ready, willing, and eager! One of my favorite times with them was on Saturday during team time. We each shared what we wanted our team to be marked by this summer and made a mission statement together. Off the bat, we had to be unified as a team—it was so cool to watch and so fruitful. Later that night we all ate some delicious pizza, played at iJump, and then went to Braum’s! We really thought we could make a 25-person pyramid… but we were wrong! – Remedy “Bo-v” Applegate, Ranch Women’s Director

We had an amazing leadership weekend! We got to spend time together being unified through worship, prayer, and fun! It was amazing to get to hear the ways that our leadership team is eager to serve staffers, campers, and parents this summer. One of our favorite games to play with our leadership team is called “Four On A Couch.” We played multiple rounds and it got super competitive! – Kylie “Bonsho” Witcher, Silverado Women’s Director

We were so thankful to have all of our people here for a weekend! On Friday night, the Forge facilitated a “Taylor Swift Eras” dodgeball game, and it was awesome! We also had great speakers throughout the weekend which were really encouraging. As a team, we had the chance to pray over the new Overflow cabin, Mahalo, which was really cool. We also played lots of soccer and Werewolf! This weekend was one of my favorite times—I’m so thankful for the leaders we have this summer. God’s going to work! – Avery “Queen Juice” Fink, Shores Women’s Director

Leadership weekend was truly a breath of fresh air. It is so easy to get caught up in running and leading camp well. We can often feel pressure to do effective ministry and to have things run smoothly and right. However, this weekend I was reminded that the success of camp this summer can only be achieved by Jesus. He has the control. He has the power. It is up to Him to move! We don’t need to feel the pressure of making sure everything goes well and X amount of people encounter Jesus in a new way. Jesus has it under control. He always has and always will. 

This summer it is our job as broken people to be useful! We will not be able to do it on our own and we will fail often. However, we must approach this summer with hands open, ready and expectant for the Lord to move and use us. By allowing ourselves to be broken and useful, the pressure is taken off our shoulders and we give control back to the one who has ultimate control! – Tyler “CC Swag” Jackson, Crier Creek Program Director 2024

My favorite part of the weekend was being reminded that my job is to lay down my life this summer. Also getting to catch up with everyone and spend time together was amazing. – Carson “Guppy” Ross, Woods Program Director 2024

Over leadership weekend we remind ourselves of the heart behind the ministry! It was a sweet time to come together and ask the Lord to move intently this summer! Professing that we are not able but we know the One who is, is a simple yet powerful statement that will carry us through this summer. – Taylor “Mayo” White, Woods Assistant Program Director 2024

A highlight of the weekend was team time! Getting to spend time and have fun with the rest of the group got us excited for the work that God has in store for us this upcoming summer! It really is a joy to serve alongside people who are passionate for the Lord. Summer can’t come fast enough! – Katherine “Bone Apple Teeth” Swanner, Towers Assistant Program Director 2024

One of the big lessons I learned was from the unity talk we had! Unity isn’t something we create, but something we get to join with Christ in that He has already created through the Gospel! This convicted the pride in me that comes from thinking I could create unity on our team. What a gift that we simply get to join Christ in His unity through the greatest sacrifice ever made. 

This summer I’ll be relying on the truth that, “If dependence is the goal, weakness is the greatest advantage.” What a great opportunity I have to be weak and give the credit to the Lord this summer. He will provide strength, discernment, and knowledge in abundance, and my only response is to give Him the full glory He deserves! – Kimberly “C-See” Harrison, Silverado Assistant Program Director 2024


We both took a lot away from talks focusing on how to approach leadership this summer in humble confidence instead of pride. Our confidence comes from knowing that Christ has already accomplished all for us, and humility comes from knowing that we can do nothing apart from Him. It was great to be put in the mindset of daily approaching the throne of grace for help and being confident in the Creator, instead of prideful in our own ability. This weekend was also huge for growing together as a leadership team so we can attack it together this summer! – Jacob “Dukie” Dahl and Katie “Bo” Blair, Timbers Program Directors 2024

My favorite part of the weekend was probably getting to sit in a room with the new leadership team and cast vision as a united group. We also had a blast together playing mini golf and lots of games! – Trevor “Stastro” Krupke, Chimney Point Program Director 2024

I was really encouraged by the example set of what it looks like to lead out of a humility before the Lord, and in overflow of our own pursuit of Christ. Our leadership team is so expectant of what the Lord has for them this summer! – Callie “Pecance” Bolemon, Chimney Point Assistant Program Director 2024

My favorite part of the weekend was getting to grow in unity with my team as we dreamed about what the Lord is going to do in His kingdom this summer! Whether we were playing Turkish or in a speaker session, the Lord was drawing us closer to Himself and therefore each other! – Madilyn “Cruise Ft. Belly” Rutherford, Springs Assistant Program Director 2024


My favorite part of the weekend was hearing people’s stories and testimonies. During team time a few of us got to share how the Lord has worked in our lives and drawn us to Himself! It unified us around God’s redemptive power as we go into the summer. – Grant “The American Dream” Sutton, Ridge Program Director 2024

A big takeaway I had from leadership weekend was asking myself the question: do I really believe that God might know how His glory would best be revealed and proven this summer? Reflecting on Jeremiah 18:1-6 and 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 that I am insufficient apart from the Lord, but with the Lord I am equipped for the role He has called me to, even with my weaknesses! – Mary “Sweet Magnolia” Tamborello, Ridge Assistant Program Director 2024

Posted Apr 17, 2024

Karissa Pitaniello

Former Staff

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